IMG 1171 | How Does Window Tinting Reduce Glare?

If you enjoy the sun in your home or business, you know that an annoying glare is present at certain times of the day. The glare makes it hard to see your computer or devices, examine paperwork, and reflections off mirrors or other windows can even be painful.

Most people turn to blinds or window treatments to reduce glare. However, these can be expensive, especially if you have a room full of windows, or if your windows are custom size. Not to mention, blinds and window treatments cover up the view out your window!

Is there a better solution than blinds or window treatments?

Yes, there is!

Galen’s Tinting offers premium window film that significantly reduces glare, making your rooms comfortable and pleasant again!

Check out just a few benefits of reducing the glare in your home or office:

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== | How Does Window Tinting Reduce Glare?
gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== | How Does Window Tinting Reduce Glare?
Home Window Tinting

If you’re interested in reducing the glare from the sun in your home or office, contact Galen’s Tinting today! Our staff is friendly and helpful, and the quality of our installation can’t be beaten!

About Galen’s Tinting

Let Galen’s Tinting apply high quality window tinting to your home or business. We are an owner-operated company that specializes in providing window tinting, blinds, shades and shutters. We can guide you in the right direction to complement your home or business with great looking quality window treatments and offer energy savings and protection with our many transparent window films. Our service is fast and friendly and our goal is always 100% customer satisfaction.